Maurici Ruiz is a Biologist with postgraduate studies in Cartography, Environmental Management, Multivariate statistics, Database Management Systems, and PhD in Geography.
Director of GIS and Remote Sensing Service of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), a specialized high level technician at the National Council for Research (2005-2007).
Associate professor (University of the Balearic Islands , National Distance Education University (2000/2010) and Director of Postgraduated studies on Geographic Information Technology, University of the Balearic Islands.
Senior Lecturer acreditation by National Agency of Evaluation of Quality and Accreditation (Spain).
Relevant participation in EU projects:
-Design and evaluation of residential patterns in the Mediterranean region appropiate to sustainable development of environmentally deteriorated rural areas (ARTEMIS). IV Framework Program. Coordination: Politecnic University of Barcelona. (1998-2001)
-Territorial Information System at Municipal “SITMUN”. INTERREG IIIB-SUDOE. Coordinator: Diputació de Barcelona. Spain. Partners: 12. (2003-2005
-Quater 'Qualité dans le territoire', IR3M - INTERREG IIIB-MEDOCC. Coordination: Proteccione Viviel. Regione Lombardia. (2002-2004).
-Design of an Decision Spatial Support System to Assessent of Postdisaster Damage Analysis.”Damage Project” Interreg IV_MEDOCC. Coordinator: Conselleria de Interior. Govern Balear. (2005/2007).
His interest is how applied GIS sciences and technologies to solve real problems and to transfer knowledge from the academia to the society. He has participated in more than 70 research projects financed by Local, Regional, National and European Agencies. He has published 40 papers related with his research topics.