The CherryFlyNet is developed and implemented in Agia, Thesally in the Hellenic Republic. Background information on the European cherry fruit fly are given here.

Selected Pilot Area- Brief Experimental Design

The testing of pest monitoring and control will be achieved using randomized complete blocks. Four replicates (4 blocks, each block with 2 plots (conventional and LAS) and 2-3 control (unsprayed) plots will be used.

The orchards are more than 70% in full production and in an area where there is a history of high infestation. The cherry trees in all blocks are of various varieties. This is a common practice of cherry cultivation targeting to continuous availability of mature cherries throughout season. Late maturing varieties are usually more susceptible and sensitive to the infestation by Rhagoletis cerasi. This will be taken into careful consideration in the experimental setting. Soil type and cultural conditions (e.g. fertilization, pruning, irrigation) are performed uniformly in the entire orchards; records for each of them, and particularly irrigation, will be kept during the implementation.

Each plot is of appropriate size to evaluate pest control and reach verified results. Limitations are the flight activity and movement of the pest. Plot sizes are 0.5 – 0.7 ha (approximately 1000 - 1200 trees) for the 4 blocks. The distance between plots – buffer zone will be of minimum 21m. The control-untreated plots will be comprised of abandoned individual cherry trees in the wider area.

Bellow is given a wide aspect of the experimental area in Agia. The CherryFlyNet plots are applied in 3 commercial sweet cherry orchards and the control – unsprayed sweet cherry trees are situated in back yards in Neromili and Metaksohori villages.

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