Deliverable Number Deliverable Name Nature Submission Date
D 2.1 Project Presentation PU 04/04/2014
  Communication and Visibility Plan RE 16/06/2014
D 4.1 User Analysis PU 04/04/2014
D 4.2 Scenario Definition and Requirements Specification PU 15/05/2014
D 4.3 Warning System Design RE 01/05/2015
D 4.4 WMSN Design Architecture RE 15/07/2014
D 5.1 Specification Simulation and Implementation of Distributed Geospatial Sencory Storage RE 10/09/2014
D 5.2 Specification Simulation and Implementation of Integrated Routing In- network Processing and Aggregator Mechanisms RE 15/09/2014
D 5.3 A GUI Toolbox for Monitorging and Spraying Treatment Control RE 15/11/2014
D 5.4 Ground spray treatment optimization PU 15/11/2014
D 5.6 WMSN Deployment Management and Operation PU 10/07/2015 
D 6.1 Indoor / Outdoor Semi - field Sensory Image Intepretation RE 15/01/2015
D 6.2 Species - specific Module RE 31/01/2015
D 6.3 Open Field Species - specific ReTIC system Test RE 10/04/2015 
D 6.4 Optimization and Decision Making RE 15/04/2015 
D 7.1 Implementation and Operation of the FruitFlyNet Prototype RE 15/07/2015
D 7.2.1 Ground Spraying Pilot Demonstrations Report PU 15/12/2015
D 8.1 Assurance of Data Quality RE 10/11/2015 
D 8.2 Verification and Validation of FruitFlyNet Prototype RE 15/11/2015 
D 3.1 Final Evaluation of FruitFlyNet Prototype PU


D 3.2 Exploitation plan  CO


D 2.2 Report on Project Portal PU


D 2.3 Knowledge Dissemination PU


D 2.4 Project Presentation Results PU  15/01/2016

PU = Public

RE = Restricted to a group specified by the consortium (including the Commision Services)     
CO = Confidential    
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