During the second semester of March, FruitFlyNet team from the University of Thessaly (UTH) in Greece collaborated with the team from the Agricultural Research Organization (ARO) in Israel and the team from the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) in Greece in order to deploy the yellow-sticky ReTIC trap system in cherry orchards. The first e-traps for cherry fly (developed in the framework of the project) were placed in three large commercial orchards in Agia, Greece.

During and after the installation the following two Trainings/ Seminars where organized in Thessaly, Greece; the first one targeted Local Authorities and the second one farmers of the local community.

  1. "New trends in pest management in orchards": The Training took place on March 20th, 2015 in the Cultural Center of Agia in Thessaly. It was organized by project partners from the University of Thessaly (UTH) and targeted mainly local community and local authorities of Agia, Larissa, Volos in Greece. For more information read the Press Release (in Greek).
  2. "New trends in pest management in cherry and apple orchards":The Training took place on April 21st, 2015. It was organized by project partners from the University of Thessaly (UTH) and targeted mainly farmers and local community of Zagora in Pelio, Greece. For more information read the Press Release (in Greek).

View the presentations from the Seminars: FruitFlyNet presentation, New Common Agricultural Policy,  Apple infestations.

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